Tracey Bradley is our peripatetic Reika therapist who will visit the clinic by appointment.
Reiki is an ancient Japanese form of energy healing, which is a branch of alternative medicine, offering a life enhancing, well-being solution for everyone. This healing method was rediscovered by Dr Mikao Usui in ancient Sanskrit texts many years ago. Dr Usui dedicated his life to Reiki and trained over 2,000 people during his lifetime. His influence is still felt today and Reiki is practised worldwide.
Reiki is not a belief system, it is physics. There are multiple studies documenting that energy healing is real. Anyone can have access to Reiki, even pets, and be uplifted and inspired by its benefits. Reiki practitioners use a health approach technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a “universal energy” is said to be transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the client in order to encourage emotional, physical and mental healing.
Rei ~ “universal energy” is combined with Ki ~ “life force energy”. This ‘flow of energy’ between your Reiki practitioner and you will improve the flow and balance of your energy through your main 7 chakras. This, in turn, will encourage and support your body’s own power to heal. When your energy and chakras are blocked you feel less than your best. Remember, whether you feel ‘out of sorts’ or are experiencing illness – this represents a chaotic system. Drugs offer a ‘chemical’ intervention. Surgical procedures offer a ‘mechanical’ intervention. Reiki offers a natural and holistic alternative that supports the above and will not conflict with other treatments. In short, in order to be the best version of yourself – you need to feel good both on the inside and out. Reiki gives your body a well-deserved rest from the stresses of daily life and helps your body to return to a state of serenity and relaxation.
Conditions which may benefit from Reiki
*Reducing anxiety
*Positivity and mind set
*General wellbeing and precious ‘me time’
*Reducing stress and tension
*Headaches and Migraines
*Back ache
*General aches and pains
*Aid recovery from illness / operation
*Pain reduction / pain management
*Irritable Bowel Syndrome – IBS
*Multiple Sclerosis – MS
*Post Traumatuc Stress Disorder – PTSD
*Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – OCD
*Long term chronic illness / pain, i.e. cancer, degenerative disc disease
*Help with emotional issues and life challenges, i.e. bereavement / isolation