Lip Enhancements
Lip Enhancements
We aspire for our patients to look as natural as possible, respecting the contours of the lip, thus “enhancing natural beauty”. Patient safety is paramount in our treatment regimes; repeatedly adding filler to filler may compromise patient safety. All our patients have a face to face medical consultation to assess health, well-being, realistic expectations and any medical contraindications before any treatment is undertaken.
The clinic uses Hyaluronic Acid (HA) for lip enhancements. Hyaluronic Acid is naturally present in the body. The injected product will cross mesh with your own HA making the product more stable promoting longevity. A lip HA may last between 3-6 months dependent upon the type of filler and placement, a patient’s age, life style, hydration and metabolism. The product may take 2-4 weeks to settle.
At the clinic we treat lips of all ages, both men and women (18 years onwards) as patients have many different, wants, needs and expectations. We will be honest with you in what you can realistically expect to achieve in the safest possible manner. Lips are treated in various ways: the vermillion border will help define and outline a lip whereas injecting into the body of the lip will help plump adding volume. Fine lines above and around the lips can also be treated in the same manner. One size does not fit all and we have a variety of techniques to help you achive your desired look. We can also assist with elements of lip trauma and asymmetry.
Your practitioner will discuss options with you at your consultation. We offer a dental infiltration to virtually eliminate any pain with every lip procedure. Some bleeding, swelling and bruising is possible post procedure; your practitioner will monitor you closely to ensure your safety.