
Anti-Wrinkle Treatments

 Anti-Wrinkle Treatments

The clinic uses a variety of  bespoke treatments to help with the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles.​ All our medical treatments are subject to a face to face consultation to assess health, well-being, realistic expectations and any medical contraindications.

One option to reduce the lines which begin to deepen around the forehead and eyes are wrinkle reducing injections. Botulinum A toxin is a prescription only medicine (POM) which your practitioner will discuss with you fully at your consultation, explaining how this treatment may work for you. Botulinum A Toxins can be used in the management of fine lines, age lines and wrinkles to promote a more youthful appearance. It is safe, quick and straightforward and can be supplemented by other treatments such as dermal fillers leading to an even better aesthetic result. Botulinum A Toxin treatments are given by injection and help relax the underlying muscle, smoothing skin and reducing wrinkles. The results of this treatment can last up to 4 months. Deeper and more permanent creases and lines may need a Dermal Filler.

Botulinum A Toxin injection can also be used to reduce sweating. Although this is a natural phenomenon necessary for the regulation of an individual’s body temperature, unfortunately, some people sweat far more finding this uncomfortable and embarrassing. Your clinician will discuss options with you.

Other options may be the use of Hyaluronic Acids to lift small lines and wrinkles or plump the skin (see Dermal Fillers, Facials, Skin Boosters & Bio-remodelling). We are advocates of optimum skin care with our own Signature range of cosmeceutical, medical grade products to help plump, brighten and tighten the skin which can be purchased for home use from our On-line Shop.

Microdermabrasion, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), Plasma Sublimation, Chemical Peels, Mesotherapy and Medical Micro-needling are also treatments which help with wrinkle reduction.

Both women and men can both benefit from anti-wrinkle treatments to help promote a more youthful appearance. Your aesthetics pracitioner will advise you on which treatment is best for you dependent upon your skin, your requirements and cost considerations.


  • Treatments take about 15 to 60 minutes
  • Cosmetic injectable treatments are carried out by NMC Registered Nurses
  • For most treatments you will be able to carry on your day after the treatment without anyone noticing
  • Results will be visible within 1 to 10 days
  • The effects can last up to 4 – 12 months dependent upon which treatment
  • The cost is the SAME for both men and women

All treatments are subject to a confidential, medical consultation tailored to the patient’s health and needs.


Treatment Costs

Costs starting from: £100


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